Adult Education

CBA seeks to support lifelong learning. Whether you want to learn more about a specific topic or want to prepare for an adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah, we want to support your curiosity.

Congregation Beth Aaron offers a variety of options for adult education throughout the year based on congregants’ interests and schedules.

Member Adult Education Opportunities

•       Member-led Book Club -As scheduled by membership

•       Member-led Tanakh Discussion Group -Weekly, year-round

•       Lunch and Learn – Monthly during school year with summer hiatus. Led by Student Rabbi

•       Torah Study- Monthly during school year with summer hiatus. Led by Student Rabbi

Yellowstone County Community- Interfaith Learning Opportunities

•       Lincoln Center classes offered by Rabbi Uri Barnea, PhD /biIIingsschoolsorg/k6hf3voemgz3irhjw4dv/Current brochure.pdf

Introduction to Judaism:

Instructor Rabbi Uri Barnea, PhD, often teaches Intro to Judaism classes at the Lincoln Center. Please visit the Lincoln Center’s website to see if there is a class starting soon: