If you want to learn more about Judaism, please take a look at these comprehensive online resources, which offer everything from Frequently Asked Questions on Judaism to discussions of more advanced topics:
Jewish Federation of St. Louis Resources
My Jewish Learning and “What do Jews Believe In?” email series
National Jewish Outreach Program
Introduction to Judaism:
Introduction to Judaism is a survey of the most important theological concepts, religious practices, and historical, geographical, and cultural aspects concerning the Jewish people, from their earliest beginnings some 3,800 years ago to our own time.
Instructor Rabbi Uri Barnea, PhD
Mar 22 – May 3 Tue 6pm – 8pm Lincoln Room B-3 22SPCA-048
Required Materials: Handouts will be provided. Students must wear personal face masks. Fee: $77
CBA does not have a gift shop, nor are there places to purchase Judaica in Montana. If there is an item you are interested in, please consult these online resources:
Around Passover, several Albertsons stores offer a limited supply of Kosher for Passover food. We suggest purchasing these items early as they often run out. You can also order many Kosher for Passover foods online.